Philip Porters
Philip Porters has been active at the Antwerp Bar since 2007. He graduated from the University of Antwerp in June 2007 with distinction. As part of an Erasmus exchange program, he studied for 6 months at Charles V University in Prague (Czech Republic).
He started his internship at the law firm ASTREA, where he focused mainly on real estate law. The civil aspects as well as the administrative side of real estate law were part of his daily tasks.
He spent his last internship year at the CLVD office. This allowed him to extend his knowledge of construction law to the public sector. Since October 1, 2011, he has been registered as a lawyer in Antwerp.
He is Dutch- and French-speaking, and also proficient in English.
Tel. : +32 3 456 12 60 (Antw.)
E-mail : philipporters@vando.be