Mediation at Van Doosselaere & Partners
In almost all cases one can rely on mediation. Both private individuals and companies can rely on intermediaries. The mediators at Van Doosselaere & Partners are recognized by the Federal Mediation Commission (FMC), which means that they can have the agreements concluded by the court approved. In addition, recognition by the FMC is synonymous with targeted and high-quality training, as a recognized mediator has the obligation to undertake continuous training and to comply with deontological obligations.
Van Doosselaere & Partners offers mediation in the following areas:
- Construction disputes: disputes between client - contractor - architect, ...
- Neighbour relations and disputes between co-owners
- Rental disputes
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Corporate matters
- International commercial disputes
- Maritime disputes
- Conflicts within companies (shareholders, partners, etc.)
- Conflicts at twork: between employees and managers, within teams, ...
- Disputes between companies: between customers and suppliers, regarding the payment of invoices,…
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